Voices From the Field (2022-05-11)

April Showers… and a New Field Season

Gygaia Projects

Even with a relatively dry spring, the Carpobrotus edulis (Ice plant) ground cover at the Asphodel Research Center erupted in May, just in time to usher in a new field season vibrantly.

Pink and yellow Ice plant carpets from May

The season started with the routine (yet almost ritual) breaking of seals and opening of the depot under the supervision of our friends from the Manisa Museum. Lab work began with a depot inventory project and detailed ceramic recording and analyses. Field work in May began with preparations of the digital infrastructure that enables our paperless archaeological approach to recording in archaeology.

Overseeing ceramic inventorying on a cold May morning / Testing connectivity between the field and lab hubs

Other May field work included a continuing collaboration with Dr. Zeki Kaya (Middle Eastern Technical University) and colleagues Dr. Alper Gürbüz and Dr. Funda Özdemir Değirmenci. This year we’re working together on Zeki’s TÜBİTAK grant on “Determination of the Agricultural and Vegetation History of the Marmara Lake Basin and Gediz Valley Using Paleogenetic and Geological Data.”

An early morning sunrise before fieldwork / Alper, Funda, and Zeki inspect sediments and vegetation on the desiccated lake basin

In addition to forthcoming fieldwork planning, field walks with Zeki benefited from his sharp botanical eye in identifying a variety of local plants and trees, from wild oaks, pears, and almonds, to various thistles and an oddly situated Dog rose (Rosa canina) growing out of a Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera).

Dog rose, a wild shrub taking root from within a Kermes oak / A dog rose flower

Look forward to more posts from Gygaia Projects soon!