GÖLMARMARA SEYAHAT is the local bus line that runs from Gölmarmara to Akhisar and Salihli. The schedule found below may be out of date. To confirm current schedules, please be in touch with the company at +90 (236) 515 13 46 or +90 (530) 771 00 05.
Güney’e Doğru, Salihli’ye / Southbound, in the direction of Salihli
Departs Akhisar (last stop) | Departs Gölmarmara | Passes Hacıveliler |
6,30 | ~6,40 | |
7,30 | ~7,40 | |
7,30 | 8,10 | ~8,20 |
8,15 | 8,55 | ~9,05 |
9,00 | 9,40 | ~9,50 |
10,00 | 10,40 | ~10,50 |
11,00 | 11,40 | ~11,50 |
12,00 | 12,40 | ~12,50 |
13,00 | 13,40 | ~13,50 |
14,00 | 14,40 | ~14,50 |
15,00 | 15,40 | ~15,50 |
16,00 | 16,40 | ~16,50 |
17,00 | 17,40 | ~17,50 |
18,00 | 18,40 | ~18,50 |
19,30 | 20,10 | ~20,20 |
Kuzey’e Doğru, Gölmarmara’ya / Northbound, in the direction of Gölmarmara
Departs Salihli | Passes Hacıveliler |
7,30 | ~8,00 |
8,15 | ~8,45 |
9,00 | ~9,30 |
10,00 | ~10,30 |
11,00 | ~11,30 |
12,00 | ~12,30 |
13,00 | ~13,30 |
14,00 | ~14,30 |
15,00 | ~15,30 |
16,00 | ~16,30 |
17,00 | ~17,30 |
18,00 | ~18,30 |
19,30 | ~20,00 |
20,15 | ~20,45 |
21,00 | ~21,30 |